Socalled - Tales From Odessa

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Description Socalled - Tales from Odessa - Release date: October 6, 2017


  1. Overture 01:57
  2. Dvoira's Wedding 02:53
  3. A New Broon Sweeps Clean 02:25
  4. Moldavanka 01:46
  5. Taybl 02:00
  6. Fustrit 02:19
  7. The Green Dress 02:25
  8. Dear Mr Eikhbaum 01:23
  9. Besarabian Honeymoon 01:21
  10. Tartakofsky 02:10
  11. Even God Makes Mistakes 02:26
  12. Mugenstein's Levaye 02:27
  13. Benya's Kadish 03:17
  14. Mendl's Nign 01:09
  15. The Courtyard That's Seen Too Much 02:37
  16. Schnorrer Tanz 02:02
  17. New Broom Reprise 01:06
  18. Wedding Reprise 02:09
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